17th of December 2011, Rotterdam, Netherland
Curated by Piet Zwart Institute & Olia Lialina among others
(see credits below)
[REBELHUIS show website http://pzwart3.wdka.hro.nl/rebelhuis/ ]

A one night event at Ace Teleboutique
Nieuwe Binnenweg 389A
Friday, Dec. 17th, 18:00-20:00
“Hit an Internet-cafe, rent all computers they have and run a show on them for one night.” Excerpt from SPEED SHOW manifest by Aram Bartholl, 2010, http://fffff.at/speed-show/
With Bartholl’s concept of the Speed Show as a point of departure, REBELHUIS was an exhibition featuring work from the Networked Media branch of the Piet Zwart Institute & CrossLab (Willem de Kooning Academy).
Based on Bartholl’s concept of a Speed Show, REBELHUIS was featuring work from the Networked Media department of the Piet Zwart Institute and Cross Lab at the Willem de Kooning Academy. Hosted and inspired by Ace Teleboutique, a ‘belhuis’ located in the city centre of Rotterdam, some of the projects have worked with the technical restraints of an Internet café’s infrastructure, while others have explored its uncharted potential for alternative use, and others have probed the peculiarities of remote communication. Loosening the perimeters of Bartholl’s structure, the group has opened up the format to both on- and off-line media, live performance, telephony, installation, and software programs especially designed and installed for the occasion.
You might have missed the ice cream, chips and an overwhelmed audience, but you can still find some of the projects up and running. So, off you go!

Meditation Machine by Amy Suo Wu

Albert Jongstra and Ozalp Eroz

Connecting Your World – Inge Hoonte and Amy Suo Wu

Random Personalized Exhibition Experience v.10.5.11 by Inge Hoonte

BELHUISPHOBIA by Megan Hoogenboom

Forensic Identification by Renee Olde Monnikhof

Xylomatron by Tolga Ozuygur

The is the medium message by Yiorgos Bagakis
Speed Show: REBELHUIS has been generously supported by the Research Project (Lectoraat) Communication in a Digital Age. The Piet Zwart Institute: Master Media Design and Communication. Networked Media would like to thank:
- Aram Bartholl for inventing the Speed Show format
- Olia Lialina for her extensive research of Rotterdam ‘belhuis’ culture
Florian Cramer, Aldje van Meer, Gordan Savicic and Danja Vasiliev (aka Moddr for their conceptual input) - Ace for being open to our temporary invasion of his space
- And of course, the students and staff at Piet Zwart who worked around the clock to make the project come together